Saturday, August 7, 2010

Praying the Psalms- Psalm 30

Jenny has begun a journey of praying her way through the Psalms that I have decided to join. Each weekend, we will pray through one psalm and post our prayer and/or meditations on that psalm as the Lord leads. Check out her journey and join us in Praying the Psalms.

Psalm 30
There are so many familiar verses in this psalm:
"For his anger lasts only a moment, 
       but his favor lasts a lifetime; 
       weeping may remain for a night, 
       but rejoicing comes in the morning."  Psalm 30: 5
"You turned my wailing into dancing; 
       you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,"  Psalm 30: 11
Verses I sing or have memorized or have used to comfort and encourage myself or another.  In some things there is danger in familiarity.  It can lead to staleness and boredom.  That's why we work to keep close relationships, especially marriages, fresh by pursuing new interests together.  It's why we often choose to vacation some distance from home.   It's why we try new recipes.  It's why there are 31 flavors of ice cream at Baskin Robbins.

But familiarity cannot breed staleness or boredom with God's Word!  Because His Word is alive and active and sharper than any two edged sword.  It divides soul and spirit, joint and marrow.  It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.   In fact, familiarity with God's word breeds stability, fruit, life and spiritual prosperity!

So as I read and pray the familiar words of this psalm today, I invite them to divide and judge and examine.  And they do.  And I remember from whence I came.  I remember how He has lifted me, helped me, healed me.  And my heart sings to Him.  It will not be silent.  I will give thanks to Him forever!

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