Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Endings and Beginnings

This is just how I feel.  

I will miss my babies come September.  I will miss our Summer of Purpose.  I will miss all the time we passed together- laughing and pouting, encouraging and arguing, playing and working, learning and lallygagging, vacationing and stay-cationing.  God has been so very good to us!

I am also expectant- watching for new beginnings.


Anonymous said...

I sooo remember feeling that way! With an empty nest...not so much. In the dead of winter, I will miss the weather, but as I get older, I have learned to enjoy each stage of my life, yet some days...I still miss the summers when Andy was home and we did things together. You have exciting new things coming up...

Andrea said...

Me too Natalie. I loved that post by Ann b/c I am feeling anxious lately about the new year and the new changes, not to mention the cold weather that is coming up which i struggle with. Instead I will look forward to new beginnings!

Natalie said...

Thanks, Mary! And you are so right about trying to enjoy each stage of our lives!

Natalie said...

We'll look forward together, Andrea!

Deborah Ann said...

I remember those days all too well. Now my kids are grown, and I'm missing my grandkids every fall!

I like your blog. So glad I ended up here today...

Natalie said...

Welcome Deborah Ann! Thanks for your kind comment. I'm off to check out your blog!


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