I started this blog with the simple intention to examine my life in the light of the Lord, His Word and His will for my life. I have always enjoyed writing and found it to be a natural way for me to "think" and communicate about complicated ideas and emotions. This blog has quickly become a place for me to slow down and pray, to meditate on and give thanks for my life experiences to create and to connect with like minded sisters. It has also become a means to self care, which has become an important journey for me.
If you stop here for awhile, I pray you are blessed and edified by what you see and read. Please leave a comment when you do, they always bless and edify me! If you'd like to introduce yourself, I'd love to get to know you. Just leave a comment here and be sure to leave your blog address so I can stop by your place! If you prefer, you can also contact me via e-mail at onethingspoken(at)gmail(dot)com.
If you'd like to read my testimony, start here!