Here are some of the things I was thankful for this week:
1056. A good night's sleep before Round 3 of the stomach bug1057. A little boy's long nap to revive his sick body
1058. God multiplying my time by slowing me down1059. Time to work and plan at home
1060. A friend's phone call to encourage me
1061. Sending "mail" to each of my children about one of their positive qualities
1062. Daddy getting to his destination safely
1063. Reading Life Together
1064. Our fellowship and all its strengths and weaknesses
1065. Daddy returning home safely from his business trip
1066. My mom heading to Florida for some much needed respite from caring for her mom
1067. And she is enjoying herself
1068. Encouragement and prayer for one another at the Wednesday morning Bible study
1069. No homework day at school!
1070. Dinner out with school friends to celebrate
1071. My fourth grader's class leading Chapel service at school
1072. The kids singing There's Something About That Name
1073. Inspiration to make goals to make my mission statement a reality
1074. Early afternoon, mid-week catnap
1075. My husband and friends who came to my rescue when I finally succumbed to the stomach virus
1076. The consolation that since we have all gotten it now, it should be outta here
1077. Feeling better- there's nothing like a stomach virus to remind you to give thanks for good health!
1078. My husband helping me clean and get the house back in order after my being sick
1079. A beautiful Sunday School Teach Appreciation Dinner at church.
1080. My co-coordinator for a large women's event next weekend at church
1081. A meeting to pray and plan for the event
1082. I'm in the home stretch with Bible in 90 Days
1083. For world changers like William Wilberforce who act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with their God
1063. Reading Life Together
1064. Our fellowship and all its strengths and weaknesses
1065. Daddy returning home safely from his business trip
1066. My mom heading to Florida for some much needed respite from caring for her mom
1067. And she is enjoying herself
1068. Encouragement and prayer for one another at the Wednesday morning Bible study
1069. No homework day at school!
1070. Dinner out with school friends to celebrate
1071. My fourth grader's class leading Chapel service at school
1072. The kids singing There's Something About That Name
1073. Inspiration to make goals to make my mission statement a reality
1074. Early afternoon, mid-week catnap
1075. My husband and friends who came to my rescue when I finally succumbed to the stomach virus
1076. The consolation that since we have all gotten it now, it should be outta here
1077. Feeling better- there's nothing like a stomach virus to remind you to give thanks for good health!
1078. My husband helping me clean and get the house back in order after my being sick
1079. A beautiful Sunday School Teach Appreciation Dinner at church.
1080. My co-coordinator for a large women's event next weekend at church
1081. A meeting to pray and plan for the event
1082. I'm in the home stretch with Bible in 90 Days
1083. For world changers like William Wilberforce who act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with their God

1 comment:
I think #1072 had to be my favorite today. I love hearing children sing, but add to that, I love that song! A double blessing in that one. Your list was really so wonderful, and I am so impressed with the numbers. Makes me feel I have a loooooong way to go. I know we are not supposed to look at numbers, but yours hit me today ---- in a good, encouraging way! Thank you for that!
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