Here are some of the things I was thankful for this week:
1014. Local Borders Bookstore Closing
1015. Allowed me to get wonderful birthday party favors at a great price
1016. Sisters praying for my grandmother
1017. A plan to give my mom a break from full time care of her
1018. Pastor's wife calling to encourage and pray with my mom
1019. How God answered their prayers in the form of a compassionate aide at the rehab
1020. Reading my fourth grader's class book of poetry
1021. Teachers willing to excuse the boys from homework so they could celebrate his birthday
1022. Boys who were motivated to do the work anyway
1023. Excitement about and joy during the ice skating birthday party
1024. His little friend who fell while skating is ok
1025. Cupcakes at school the next day
1026. Family birthday dinner tradition
1027. Serving at the Pancake Lunch at school
1028. The kids were happy to see me there
1029. Meditating on what is good about each of my kids
1030. Planning on sharing these things with them through the "mail"
1031. Praying for and receiving strength in a weak moment of too much to do, too little time and a weary body
1032. First graders class leading Chapel service at school
1033. Their clear message on repentance and forgiveness
1034. Seeing my boy's confidence on stage
1035. Our girl's middle of the night stomach virus clean up was minimal
1036. And I had gone to bed early that night
1037. How a child's sickness will slow down your plans and routines for the day
1038. Daddy taking the boys to school so our girl could sleep a little later
1039. St. Patrick's Day crafts and videos online so she did not miss out on the fun at school
1040. Smelling and feeling that Spring is in the air
1041. Doing homework outside in the sunshine
1042. The little guy trying roller skating for the first time
1043. Basement family basketball game (I never want to do this and always have so much fun when we do- why don't I remember this???)
1044. Focus on the Family iPhone app to listen to while I clean
1045. Healthy body able to work hard around the house
1046. 74 degress and sunny!
1047. Watching the Sons of Thunder first practice- our church's new Men's Softball team
1048. These AWANA stats- wow!
1049. My oldest rising early to see me off to an all day Home Schooling Conference
1050. How inspiring and encouraging the conference was
1051. Getting this new resource!
1052. Husband holding down the fort at home
1053. Oldest got the stomach bug- but we know it's only a 12 hour one!
1054. Reaching Psalm 62 in Praying the Psalms
1055. Finishing the gospels today (a little behind) in B90Days!
1054. Reaching Psalm 62 in Praying the Psalms
1055. Finishing the gospels today (a little behind) in B90Days!

Number 1014 threw me...I read it twice, but when I read 1015, I understood. :-) I think of your and your new challenge often and continue to pray for you as you find your path for homeschooling. Blessings to you, my friend.
Ann’s linky isn’t up yet – but I knew I could find some good thank you’s by coming here. ƪ(◠‿◠)╯
And my favorite one you your list today was: 1047. Watching the Sons of Thunder first practice- our church's new Men's Softball team – because of the name!!!! Sons of Thunder – both intimidating AND biblical. Yay! {smile}
May God Bless and Keep you and make his to face shine upon you and yours.
Loved your list today. Especially the ones concerning the care of your grandmother, your Mom needing a day of rest, etc. I went through those times, 4 years, in fact, of living with and taking care of someone. It was hard, and I've come to understand others when I see the weariness and pain in their faces, yet they can't really talk about it. Love and respect keeps a silence as we feel so guilty if we even say outloud tht we are tired. I've often thought of teaching a class in our church for people who would volunteer to sit in and give some time off so caregivers can rest. I've found that most would do it, but are afraid of what they might have to do, that they can't do "it" whatever "it" might be. It's never talked about, never taught, etc. It is such a ministry when a family member takes on the care of an elderly grandmother! We all need to see and recognize that there are things we can do to help.
Listen to me --- preaching away on YOUR blog here! Thank you for the reminder to call someone I know and offer THEM a day off!
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