I'm sick! Sinus and ear infections. I think Monday was my worst day. Didn't leave the bed. I am on an antibiotic now and feel like I am finally on the mend! I missed my first Multitude Monday since I
began counting! I am also behind on my
Bible in 90 Days reading :( But enough whining! That's not why I jumped on here :) I wanted to point you to two great posts I've read recently!
From my sweet IRL friend and Bible in 90 Days Accountability partner,
Andrea, a post about the ins and outs of
Christian Accountability.
Sally Clarkson, a great post full of wisdom on biblical, grace filled parenting:
First Time Obedience, Really?
hope you feel well soon! thank you for the link to sally clarkson's post, it's great!
Oh, I'm so sorry! We're still battling stuff here, so I know at least in part what you're feeling. May God bring you quick healing, my friend. Praying for you!
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