Psalm 53
"God looks down from heavenI want to be one who understands, one who seeks Him.
on all mankind
to see if there are any who understand,
any who seek God." Psalm 53:2
I do the work of changing my mind and I see Him bringing forth the fruit of self-control in my life. And as we celebrate His work, He also whispers "I desire truth in the innermost parts." The more I draw near to Him, the more I surrender, the more He requires. Not works does He require- but my heart. He wants to bring change from the inside out- the fruit of love, patience, kindness, gentleness.
But the truth remains, the work on the inside is harder. I don't want to be a fool- to run from Him just as He is coming so close. So I listen and allow Him to point out the more subtle things that have taken up residence in my heart. And even as He corrects me He showers me with grace and I long to rain it down on others. It's this grace that emboldens me to say yes to going deeper.
Lord, I press on toward the goal for You have called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Thank you, Natalie. This really speaks to me today. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
I am sure that God's joy is found in those who seek Him. In spite of our failings, the slightest movement towards God is enough for Him to do that quiet work in us, even when we don't think we are making progress.
I identify with your desire to rain His grace down on all - that is the desire of the heart of Christ and another way we have of uniting ourselves to Him.
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