Here are some of the things I was thankful for this week:
940. A fun, field trip with our girl's class
941. An evening family night at school
942. Watching our big guy reading to and hanging out with his Kindergarten reading buddy
943. High Tea with the Home School Support Group Moms
944. How they shared their honest experiences- both sweet and hard
945. Peapod grocery delivery
946. Knowing right away what was wrong with our girl when she woke coughing and crying at 11:30 p.m.
947. How a steamy bathroom relieves croup
948. Access to medical care and medication early the next morning
949. Motrin and humidifiers
950. And finally a fever free day complete with the return of her perky, chatty self
951. A brother who could step up to lead worship for my husband when he succumbed to the nasty bug in our house
953. The end of another fun basketball season
953. A little break from sports before baseball starts :)
954. Still on track with Bible in 90 Days- now we're halfway through Psalms!
941. An evening family night at school
942. Watching our big guy reading to and hanging out with his Kindergarten reading buddy
943. High Tea with the Home School Support Group Moms
944. How they shared their honest experiences- both sweet and hard
945. Peapod grocery delivery
946. Knowing right away what was wrong with our girl when she woke coughing and crying at 11:30 p.m.
947. How a steamy bathroom relieves croup
948. Access to medical care and medication early the next morning
949. Motrin and humidifiers
950. And finally a fever free day complete with the return of her perky, chatty self
951. A brother who could step up to lead worship for my husband when he succumbed to the nasty bug in our house
952. Another weekday visit with my parents
953. A little break from sports before baseball starts :)
954. Still on track with Bible in 90 Days- now we're halfway through Psalms!

What a blessing it is to know what's wrong with our little ones when they're upset!
Wow....1000 is so close! Thanks be to God for His many good gifts!
Happy Valentine's Day!
What a wonderful list! I'm glad you were able to get help for your daughter quickly---and that you knew what to do in the meantime!
You're almost to 1000! I just passed 500 and am excited to press on!
I’m here today from Ann’s. I know it’s Thursday and the linky is on Monday – but getting through them all to get to yours took some time :)
First – oh how the bug has bitten every single household these last weeks. Hope all is better now.
And my fave from your list? 947. How a steamy bathroom relieves croup (maybe nobody else would pick this one – but as someone who has had pneumonia 5 times in the last 7 years – I so get it – andcan’t not pick it)
God Bless and Keep You and yours
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