So, I realize this post is a departure from the meditations I have been sharing on this here blog. But, I have been feeling like I am coming across as a very serious person here. It seems this place has become a depository for my serious thoughts
and meditations and I do love it! Again, though, I feel as if the part of me that is light and loves to laugh and be quick witted is missing here. So, I will probably be interspersing my "deep thoughts" with silly stories or one liners that make me laugh. I hope you don't mind. That is, if there is anyone out there! If it is just me, then I don't mind, do I? lol

After a few errands, I arrived back home with my 3 year old in tow. I parked her in front of the electronic babysitter so I could shower since I did not have time for that upon waking (can you hear the sarcasm???). Just as I finished getting dressed, the lights flickered and went out. My three year old wailed that she could no longer see Princess Aurora on the TV. I wailed, too, when I realized that a power outage meant no internet access and that my iPhone hadn't charged the night before (even though I had remembered to hook it up to the charger, somehow the charger cord had come out of the wall socket?!?)

After we were all set up, I grabbed my stuff and ran out the door to attend my new women's Bible study at church. Just as I was leaving my oldest turned to me with that ominous look that every mother knows and said, "I don't feel so good!" My husband told me to go, he could handle things from there and I did. He called a few minutes later to report that the power had been restored- a mere 30 minutes after he had set up the generator! He also said our boy was ok but resting.
I got home at about 9:30 p.m. to a quiet house. Just as I had settled into bed, my big guy started wailing from his room. It seemed the dreaded Vomitus Maximus had waited for Mommy to get home to proclaim its arrival to our abode. So I did my mommy duties and crawled into bed remembering that old saying attributed to Robert Burns, "the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray."
I got home at about 9:30 p.m. to a quiet house. Just as I had settled into bed, my big guy started wailing from his room. It seemed the dreaded Vomitus Maximus had waited for Mommy to get home to proclaim its arrival to our abode. So I did my mommy duties and crawled into bed remembering that old saying attributed to Robert Burns, "the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray."

Oh, what a day!
Hi! I got your comment on my blog, thank-you so much! I thought I would take a peek at yours and I quite enjoyed this post! (((hugs))) I've had days like this too - lol
Blessings to you!
Oh, my! That was a fun read. We all have days like that...unfortunately mine happen very frequently. =)
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