Psalm 46
"God is our refuge and strength,But only if we let Him.
an ever-present help in trouble." Psalm 46: 1
Of late, I have been choosing to fear, to fix my eyes on circumstances, to worry about tomorrow, to race about in a frenzy.
I have forgotten to be still. Neglected to fix my eyes on my Refuge and Strength and Help.
You see, unless I make a conscious, deliberate choice- an act of the will- to be still, to take refuge, to draw strength from Him, I default to relying on my own strength. And this never turns out well. In fact, it usually leaves me alone and exhausted physically, spiritually and emotionally.
That's just where I found myself on Sunday night. All attempts by my poor husband to speak truth over me, to lead me to Him, were rejected as I was determined to persist in my misery.
But God. His mercies are new every morning. As I was faithful to drag my sorry self out of bed the next morning to hear from Him, He was faithful to speak. And to rebuke my pity party and confront me with my sin and teach me the way I should go.
Father, thank You for being who You are- my never changing, always present help. Thank You for reminding me that I am never more than one changed mind away from receiving Your refuge, Your strength and Your help. I pray now that You would teach me to take every thought captive and make it obedient to You. I ask for a continually renewing of my mind. I ask that the mind of Christ, which is in me, be in control of my thoughts so that I might honor you in all I say and do. In Jesus' name, amen.