Jenny is on a journey of praying her way through the Psalms. I was fortunate enough to join at the start. Each weekend, we pray through one psalm and post our prayer and/or meditations on that psalm as the Lord leads. Check out her journey and join us in Praying the Psalms.
"When I said, “My foot is slipping,”
your love, O LORD, supported me.
When anxiety was great within me,
your consolation brought joy to my soul." Psalm 94: 18-19
As I read and re-read this psalm, though, the words of verses 18 and 19 continued to jump out at me. Because, these words, I have lived. There are times when my foot is slipping and whatever I do, I cannot seem to regain my footing on my own. It is in those times, when His love has supported me. It is then when I am sure that I am caught in His grace. And when anxiety threatens to overwhelm my peace. When the circumstance of our life seem insurmountable, it is only His consolation given to me through His Word, that brings joy to my soul.
Lord, thank You for Your love that supports me and Your consolation that brings me joy. On this Thanksgiving weekend, I am thankful most for You. I am thankful for the fact that I have been restored to relationship with You. I am redeemed! And to that, You add innumerable blessings. Thank You, Lord! May I retain my gratitude and awe for You during this holiday season. Help us to keep You at the center of all our celebrations!

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