Jenny is on a journey of praying her way through the Psalms. I was fortunate enough to join at the start. Each weekend, we pray through one psalm and post our prayer and/or meditations on that psalm as the Lord leads. Check out her journey and join us in Praying the Psalms.
"If you make the Most High your dwelling—The only way I can see to make sense of these verses, this psalm, when I see Godly people suffering what appears to be harm, disaster, tragedy is to believe that He will use even these circumstances for good. As it turns out, a baby very dear to us continues to need a healing touch from the Lord. For the past two of his three months of life, he has been in and out of the hospital with frighteningly serious medical issues. My cousins are walking the road marked with suffering again- concern for their little one, being separated from their older two while in the hospital, severe sleep deprivation, pressures from work, and the list goes on. I have two choices: I can look at the situation and call it a disaster and wonder where God is or I can believe He is right there in the midst of it, allowing it and using for some good we cannot yet see. I choose the latter.
even the LORD, who is my refuge—
then no harm will befall you,
no disaster will come near your tent." Psalm 91: 9-10
Father, we trust You. Amidst the pain and the exhaustion and the fear, we trust You. We put baby J in Your hands. Show Your glory, Your healing, Your power in His life. Strengthen his parents, physically and spiritually. Give us eyes to see and a heart to believe that You are working in this situation. In Jesus' name, amen.

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