Here is what I plan to fill my reading basket with:
Life of Washington
I've just started this amazing biography of our founding father written by his niece. It is riveting so far and a beautiful book to look at as well.
Outrageous Grace: A Story of Tragedy and Forgiveness
The memoir of a missionary wife whose husband was murdered in the mission field in Papua, New Guinea. It tells the story of how she and her four children carried on with God and His plan through their pain, grief and disorientation.
Billy Graham: His Life and Influence by David Aikman
This is my current Book Sneeze selection. I'm looking forward to it as I love biographies and who doesn't love Billy Graham?
Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in Communtiy
Love Letters from Cell 92
I so enjoyed reading about the life and legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy that I was inspired to read at least one of his original works as well as the love letters he exchanged with his fiance from a Nazi jail cell.
This selection fits right in with my intention to slow down and take better care of myself. I hope it will help me transfer intentions into reality!
Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream
I think my faith could use the good shaking up this book promises! Just as these two books did, I hope Radical will bring a God-perspective to my walk.
The Right to Write
Blogging has reignited my love of writing and reading! I love the creative and intellectual outlet it offers. I think this book will help me nurture and grow my writing.
Believing God
I have actually done this study twice already but it is so rich that I feel led to do it again. It will be my summer devotional!
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