Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Is Anything Sweeter?

...than the sound of hundreds of women singing to our Lord?
...than the sight of these women praising God with abandon?
...than sensing that the woman with the guitar and the beautiful voice on stage is there to lead us into worship and not to glory in herself?
...than feeling His presence and His acceptance of our worship?

I arrived yesterday afternoon at a Pastor's Wives conference and will be here until tomorrow afternoon.  (I was invited by our pastor's wife.)  I am being so blessed!  Hearing the word, corporate worship, prayer, quiet time with Him, freedom from my responsibilities of wife and mother, rest.  I have two more posts outlined in my head already :)  But I had to stop by here quickly to share a little bit now.  At our church, the children are with us during praise and worship time and my husband is the worship leader so I rarely get to focus all of my attention on the Lord during that time.  But when I am free to do that, like I have been here, I am just caught up in it.  It's like a little window into Heaven, a sneak peek, if you will, of eternity, and I am hard pressed to think of anything sweeter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! I love that window view! I remember the first time I went there! I remember that I turned the corner and was OVERWHELMED by "The Work of HIS Hands!" I am so blessed to know that you were blessed! Thank you for sharing the pictures too, I LOVE THEM!

I love you my sister and friend!


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