"And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord." Ephesians 6:4No, I'm not a father, but I'm pretty sure that does not let me off the hook with this one. The verse popped up in my News Feed on Facebook this morning.
Right after I yelled at my poor oldest boy for spilling a glass of water all over the homeschool table and the pile of paperwork that I am working through today, even as he was already trying to mop up the mess.
I was thankful for His reminder. It helped me to quickly repent and ask for forgiveness. While He was quick to forgive, my boy took a little longer. I understood why, I was out of line. So I gave him the time and space he needed and before long we reconciled.
The papers dried quickly, but the wound to his heart might take longer.
Lord, give me grace to raise my children with patience and gentleness. Help me to see what is truly important in each moment and to respond to that. Give me self-control to push down frustration and anger and to respond with the love and grace You show me. In Jesus' name, amen.
***It's been a long time since I last posted here! Life as a homeschooling mama is busy and full. I miss this space, but seldom have time to post here. I do update our homeschooling blog fairly regularly, though, and I'd love to see you there: Our Great Homeschool Experiment***

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