I hope you have seen the video my cousins made in celebration of their sweet baby Jayden, who went home to be with the Lord after 124 days of life here on this earth. If you have not, please watch it first here before reading this post.
As I mentioned in that post, there are so many things I want to say about the experience of loving and losing Jayden. God gave him to our family for a short time, but for a great purpose. Part of Jayden's purpose was surely to change me. In honor of him, I want to share with you how God used this precious baby to do that.
Before Jayden was even born, he began to change me. During Christina's pregnancy, we were made aware of some concerns the doctors had about how Jayden was developing in utero. Each time a concern was raised, we prayed and God removed the issue. At the next sonogram, the concern would be gone! Through Jayden, I learned how to really pray-
fervent, unceasing, faith filled and unselfish prayers. And because of him, I learned that God does still heal! I saw Him miraculously heal JJ not once
but twice.
When Jayden was born and all seemed well, I was
overjoyed! When I saw his precious
face in photos for the first time, the tears of thankfulness flowed. Even now, as I look back, I thank God my cousins had a month of
typical life with a newborn. I pray that God has engraved the sweetness of that
time on my cousins' hearts forever.
One afternoon, when JJ was about a month old, I got a phone call from Christina to let
me know they were on their way to the hospital and to ask for prayer for
Jayden. Once again, it was time to
persevere in prayer. Through the
ups and downs and the lack of answers from the doctors, Jayden taught me how to
press on in prayer and to trust God with the result. His life forced me to put my faith in action. Do I really believe that with God all
things are possible? Do I really
believe that God’s plan is perfect?
When God made a way for my cousins to bring Jayden home and I was able to meet him, I felt such great thankfulness for the opportunity. Holding him for those brief moments
were a gift I will never forget nor take for granted. I will never forget his beautiful eyes, his round cheeks, his
sweet smile and of course how he looked just like his daddy.
During my visit, my cousins held a beautiful prayer service for Jayden. I will never forget how they purposed to keep
the mood light yet prayerful and reverent. Their grace and peace spoke volumes to those of us looking
on- both believers and non-believers.
As a believer, I was encouraged to see that God does indeed give special
grace in our time of need. And
those who don’t believe saw a faith that was real, and how God could be loved, honored
and glorified even as one walks through pain and fear.
When I got the phone call I had been praying against for so
long, my heart broke. But Jayden’s
life and my cousins' response to his life and his death, once again taught me. I learned, really learned, that life is a vapor. This is not just head knowledge for me anymore. Instead I feel that truth now with an
ache in my heart. My eyes have
been opened to see that not one of us is promised tomorrow. I have had to experience what that
feels like and to watch my loved ones suffer because of it. I have been forced to acknowledge how I
have taken the precious gift of life for granted. I have been inspired to change that- to become one who
appreciates each moment of life- my own and my loved ones- as a gift.
My cousins' determination to honor God by celebrating Jayden’s life
despite their pain was beautiful!
Once again, I saw Him give them the special grace to do just that at JJ's Celebration of Life service. From the music they chose, to the words
of the pastor, to the incredible video, to Christina’s unscripted appeal
onstage to all to come to know God, to the release of 124 balloons in celebration of his 124 days of life, they set the tone of celebration and faith
in the midst of suffering and sorrow.
They lifted God and His goodness above all else and, in doing so, set an
example for all of us who believe and planted a seed in the hearts of those who do not.
The truth is, I wish with everything in me, that Jayden
was still with us. That our prayers
had been answered differently and I could have rejoiced to watch him toddling
through my cousins' yard as we enjoyed our annual week together in the summer. I mourn with them,.
I weep with them. But praise God that we do not grieve like
those who have no hope! We know
where JJ is- in the arms of our Jesus.
And we know that he is healed and whole. We know that we will see him again- and this time it will
not be for a vapor but for eternity.
I don’t know how to do this. How to grieve a sweet little cousin. How to love my cousins well. How to minister at this time. I only know this. That
I love my cousins and their family so very much.
And that He loves them exceedingly and abundantly more than I ever could. So I simply trust that they will come
through this stronger and more equipped to do His will. And I ask Him to give me what I need to
be there for them.
Thank you, Christina and Jason, for sharing
Jayden with me. I am forever
changed because of him!

Oh, Natalie...I have much I want to say, yet I can't. I have to digest things first. My prayers are with you and your cousins...this is a road that no one wants to travel, and you are right "God does indeed give special grace in our time of need."
My brother lived about 124 days...it stays with you forever.
Hard thing to share, but happy you did.
my heart is swollen with grief and gratitude for this tiny life, now in heaven... thank you for sharing his story, friend... may God bring you and yours comfort...
ugh...hard read...thank you for sharing it though...and prayers to you as you walk it...may grace find you
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