Psalm 68
"Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior,
who daily bears our burdens. SelahOur God is a God who saves;
from the Sovereign LORD comes escape from death." Psalm 68: 19-20
I have a very dear friend who is suffering right now. As I prayed for her this morning, I asked God to help me be a support to her, to be His hands and feet to her. I asked for a verse that I might share with her to encourage her. Then I read these two verses in Psalm 68 and I knew these were what God wanted me to share with my sweet friend. No matter how heavy our burdens, we are not alone with them. He daily bears our burdens. He is a God who saves and provides an escape from death- literally and figuratively. When life is so hard and we feel like the walking dead, He has an escape from that, too. So, I will pray that this suffering will do the work God has in mind for it in my friend quickly and that she escapes this time stronger and full of joy.
Father God, I lift up my sister and dear friend to You. I ask that You remove from her mind confusion and dismay and give her clear thinking and wisdom to make decisions at this time. Remind her that she is not alone in her pain but that You are daily bearing her burdens. You are a God who saves, who provides escape from death. After you have used this time of suffering in her life for her good, I pray that she would escape this time stronger and full of Your joy and peace. Help me to know how to minister to my friend- to be Your hands and feet to her. Thank You, God, for your love for her! In Jesus' name, amen.

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