Trisha wrote two follow up posts to her post about fighting bitterness in parenting. They are both so good. I have printed both and plan to go back to them again and again.
Ann, oh Ann. How does she do it every day? Write posts about the messy in such beautiful prose? I'm still trying to figure out how to let the pressure do its work in me- quick and good.
Whoa, this is the awesomest (is that a word?) dinner prep organization idea I've ever seen! How is organization NOT Angie's strong suit??? I wish I had the discipline to do something like this ahead of time.
This guest post by Katie on Inspired to Action really, really ministered to me. Sanctification, it's not a straight line. "If you are His, He is working." Ah, grace!
Mary reminded me how everything is a gift. Tears are a wonder, a gift.

Oh, Natalie...I am so touched that my post ministered to you. I have previously visited all the other links you mentioned - all are amazing. Especially Angie's dinner prep idea, unbelievable!!
Blessings to you my friend.
Thank you, sweet Natalie, for the link love. :) How amazing is the grace of God! And those dinner bins are a great idea. God bless you, my friend!
natalie, you are a blessing to so many. may YOU be encouraged today. e.
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