Psalm 86
"Teach me your way, O LORD,Oh, to have an undivided heart! In this day and in this culture where speed and multi-tasking are the goal, I have been a full participant. My heart is often divided. My life compartmentalized into neat little boxes and divided up into a daily to do list- Quiet Time at the top of this list with its own little box to check off. Is this what I want from this life? No! I want a life that flows from an undivided heart that is staid on Him and His plan for me. But a divided, compartmentalized walk is often what I see in my life. Only He can give me an undivided heart. I cannot conjure up this level of devotion to Him on my own. It is a gift from Him, so I pray...
and I will walk in your truth;
give me an undivided heart,
that I may fear your name." Psalm 86: 11
Father, give me an undivided heart, one that always holds You in first place. Help me to allow my life to flow from a love for You. Show me how to be a good steward of my time without planning so much in my own strength that I make no room in my life for Your plan for me. In Jesus' name, amen.

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