Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Multitude Monday (on a Tuesday)

Here are some of the things I was thankful for this week:
1336.  A safe road trip with the kids to and from my cousin's home 6 hours away
1337.  A week with my cousins and the kids with theirs
1338.  An extended family I truly love and enjoy being around (and miss when we part)

1339.  A pitstop at the National Baseball Hall of Fame on the way home

1340.  Wide-eyed joy on little boys' faces 
1341.  A little girl who has fun wherever her big brothers drag her- even a baseball museum!

1342.  Friends from church who blessed us with four great seats to a game of our favorite baseball team
1343.  A stranger giving us his extra free parking pass at the stadium lot
1344.  My sister and her daughter coming to have a special playdate with our girl while we went to the game

1345.  Swim and a movie at the park with my sister, her daughter and the kids on a summer evening
1346.  And plans to do it again next week
1347.  Learning the songs and signs for VBS
1348.  Setting up and decorating the church for PandaMania
1349.  A great first day with a record number of 76 kids showing up
1350.  Being blessed just as much- if not more- than the kids at VBS!

You can read why I got started counting the gifts here.

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